Region of Iron Mountains

podzimní certifikace 2024

MAS Železnohorský region logo

In 2011, the Region of Iron Mountains became a member of the Association of Regional Brands (ARZ, currently 30 members of the Czech Republic) and began working on the introduction of the ŽELEZNÉ HORY regional product® brand certification system, thus directly supporting increased sales of local production and related services.

The certification is performed by the certification commission at least once a year in terms of objectively composed representatives of the Region of Iron Mountains, representatives of brand association and the already certified producers themselves.

The certification is carried out on the basis of established ARZ rules, which are observed and standardized for the entire territory of the Czech Republic.

The producer states and undertakes to fulfill that his product is:

  • made by local producer of the Region of Iron Mountains (area  LAG Region of Iron Mountains and LAG Chrudimsko)
  • well processed with the maximum share of manual work
  • environmentally friendly
  • maximal share of local ingredients and traditional practices There is no requirement for all-season availability, nor for a stable production volume. Therefore, a certificate with a stable production volume as well as a person who likes to do something in their free time can receive the certificate.

At present, the region brings together 41 certified manufacturers, to whom it provides not only direct marketing sales support, but also consulting services in the development of their business. Furthermore, the organization brings together other entities and partners who are part of the sales chain, especially local retailers and organizers of markets and awareness events.